FAQ: Upon power up, my N57xxA is displaying an overtemperature error "O7P". What is causing this error?

The most common reason for this error is the airflow being blocked. The airflow inlet for the N57xxA is on the front panel, so if there is a door on their test rack or the front of the unit was being blocked somehow, that might explain the problem.

Applies to: N5740A, N5741A, N5742A, N5743A, N5744A, N5745A, N5746A, N5747A, N5748A, N5749A, N5750A, N5751A, N5752A, N5761A, N5762A, N5763A, N5764A, N5765A, N5766A, N5767A, N5768A, N5769A, N5770A, N5771A, N5772A

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